Archive for April, 2018

Harvest Imaging Forum 2018

Sunday, April 29th, 2018

The preparations for the next Harvest Imaging Forum already started several weeks ago.  Recently I have decided to change the format slightly.  All 5 foregoing Harvest Imaging Forums had 1 speaker/1 topic covering the two days.  This year we will have 2 speakers for 2 topics (which are a related to each other), but still covering two days.  At this moment two sessions are planned, the first one on December 5th and 6th, the second one on December 6th and 7th (yes, the two sessions overlap each other by 1 day).  Every session will allow maximum 30 participants.  At this moment the very last details are being discussed with the speakers.  As soon as everything is finalized, the topics and speakers will be announced.

Another change for 2018 is the choice of the hotel.  Unfortunately the hotel in Voorburg that was used for the last 4 editions is closed.  For that reason the Harvest Imaging Forum will move to the Westcord Hotel in Delft.

So already mark your agendas for December 2018 !

Albert, 29-04-2018.