
Video On Demand

  • The catalogue of “Video on demand” consists of 10 videos :
    • the first one, video 0 is free of charge, and can be considered as a kind of introduction,
    • there are 9 videos available that can be watched, each for a fee of 89 Euro (Building Blocks, 2D CMOS Imagers, 3T pixels, 4T pixels, Temporal Noise Sources, Spatial Noise Sources, Photon Shot Noise, Colour Imaging, Wide Dynamic Range),
    • the complete set of all videos for a fee of 489 Euro.
  • Each video (except the introductory one) concludes with a sheet that contains some questions and exercises to enhance the learning effect.
  • All registered participants that watched a paid video will get an invitation to attend a free-of-charge live Q&A session where participants’ questions about the content of the videos will be answered, as well as the outcome to the exercises. The timing of these live sessions will be adjusted to the geographical location of the participants.
  • Please notice that the videos are intended for your eyes only. Harvest Imaging owns the right to cancel your registration (without prior notice and without refunding) if you share the videos with a third party.
  • In the case that you are interested in a license for more people or in a site license, please directly contact Harvest Imaging at info (at) harvestimaging (dot) com .

Click HERE to bring you to the page of the Videos.