
Harvest Imaging Forum


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Agenda Harvest Imaging Forum 2022 :

Day 1 (June 23rd, 2022) :

"Dark current, dim points and bright spots: coming to the dark side of image sensors"
Dr. Daniel McGrath (GOODiX, USA)


  1. Introduction to the dark side

    1. What is dark current

    2. Why is it important

    3. Of dark current, bright defects & clusters

    4. How to capture it

  2. Theory (I)

    1. Schottky-Read-Hall

    2. Diffusion -- 'Not what you might think ...'

    3. The simple model

    4. Of temperature

    5. Of stress

    6. Choosing electrons or holes for villain

  3. Manifestations

    1. Transition metals

    2. Interfaces -- 'where the silicon ends'

    3. Dislocations

    4. Radiation

    5. Instabilities

    6. Tunneling

  4. Theory (II)

    1. Failure of the depletion assumption

    2. Challenge of quantization -- 'the lonely electron'

    3. Dark current at a distance -- 'Diffusion strikes back'

    4. SRH reconsidered

  5. Achieving low dark current

    1. Test vehicles

    2. 'Do no damage'

    3. Gumshoeing in the fab

    4. Gettering

    5. By design

  6. Looking ahead

Day 2 (June 24th, 2022) :

"Random Telegraph Signal and Radiation Induced Defects in CMOS Image Sensors"
Dr. Vincent Goiffon (ISAE-SUPAERO, Fr)


Part I: Radiation Damage in CMOS Image Sensor (CIS) Pixels

  1. Applications for radiation tolerant CIS

  2. Introduction to particle radiation effects on electronics

    1. Radiation dose / orders of magnitudes / radiation environments

    2. Total Ionizing Dose Effects (TID)

    3. Displacement Damage Effects (DD)

  3. Radiation induced defects influence on CIS pixel performance

    1. Dark current increase

    2. Charge transfer degradation

    3. Pinning voltage / Full well capacity variations

    4. Quantum Efficiency Degradation

    5. Temporal Noise Increase

  4. Modeling/forecasting radiation induced degradation in CIS pixel

  5. CIS Radiation Hardening-by-Design (vs TID and DD)

  6. Use of CIS in radiation environment: COTS vs Radiation Hardened CIS

Part II: Random Telegraph Signal (RTS) in Image Sensors

  1. Definition

    1. Statistical definition of RTS Processes

    2. RTS parameters

    3. RTS in semiconductor devices and Integrated Circuits (IC)

  2. Sources of RTS in CIS:

    1. MOSFET channel RTS/RTN

    2. Dark Current RTS (DC-RTS)

  3. RTS impact on imaging performances

  4. DC-RTS Detection and Characterization

    1. Challenges in measuring DC-RTS

    2. Statistical DC-RTS parameter extraction on pixel arrays

    3. Hands-on DC-RTS detection session (or live demonstration)

  5. Investigating DC-RTS Origin

    1. Typical DC-RTS Characteristics

    2. Localization of DC-RTS centers

    3. Influence of radiation (role of interface and bulk defects)

    4. Influence of doping

    5. Influence of electric field

    6. Influence of temperature

    7. Atomic scale simulation of DC-RTS

  6. DC-RTS in other imaging device, semiconductor and ICs

    1. DC-RTS in SPADs

    2. DC-RTS in infrared detectors

    3. DC-RTS in DRAMs

    4. DC-RTS in MOSFETs

  7. Conclusion / remaining mysteries